219. Is Infinite Banking Worth It? Scott Butt's Transformation

May 15, 2024 00:41:47
219. Is Infinite Banking Worth It? Scott Butt's Transformation
Wealth On Main Street
219. Is Infinite Banking Worth It? Scott Butt's Transformation

May 15 2024 | 00:41:47


Hosted By

Richard Canfield Jayson Lowe

Show Notes

Wealth Without Bay Street 219: Is Infinite Banking Worth It? Scott Butt's Transformation How can Infinite Banking revolutionize your financial life? In this episode, we delve into the powerful story of Scott Butt and his journey with the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). Discover how Scott transformed his financial approach, creating more wealth and gaining independence, as we unpack the essentials of Infinite Banking, its benefits, and how you can apply its principles to achieve financial freedom. Don't miss this opportunity. Discover why Infinite Banking could be the key to unlocking your financial potential. Start your journey toward true financial independence! […]
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: You were listening to the wealth without Bay street podcast, a canadian guide to building dependable wealth. Join your host, Richard Canhield and Jason Lowe as they unlock the secrets to creating financial peace of mind in an uncertain world. Discover the strategies and mindsets to a financial future that you can bank on. Get our simple seven step guide to becoming your own banker. It's easy. Head over to Sevensteps CA and learn exactly the learning process required for you to implement this amazing strategy into your financial life. That's Sevensteps ca. [00:00:39] Speaker B: Well, I am super excited to be back on the wealth without Bay street podcast to expand our client series here with our amazing hosts, Jason Lowe and Richard Canfield, and one of my favorite human beings and one of my most enthusiastic clients, Scott Butt. [00:00:56] Speaker C: Hey, Scott, welcome. [00:00:58] Speaker D: Thank you guys. Thank you so much for having me. [00:01:01] Speaker C: And now we were chatting before the show. So, Scott, where are you in Canada today? So you and Richard are actually quite close to each other in, on the west coast, is that right? [00:01:13] Speaker D: Yeah, I am 50 km away from Richard. I live in Hope, British Columbia. And, yeah, Richards. I'm Chilliwack, and I used to live in Chilliwack about five or six years ago. So not too far from. [00:01:29] Speaker C: Well, here's. Here's hoping that our listeners get a lot of value out of the conversation today. [00:01:36] Speaker A: Hope is a beautiful location if no one's ever visited. And before we hit the record button, Scott and I were talking about a few pretty amazing things there. There's a really awesome waterfall. And he just shared with me that he basically goes walking there with his dog almost every day. So I'm probably going to go visit it again here in the very near future. And it's also where the first Rambo movie was filmed in that general vicinity. For anyone that doesn't know, a little trivia. And it's kind of interesting, Scott, because you're a very east coast west coast. You're the best east coast west coast that you can get because you've been living in BC for 30 years, but you're out from Newfoundland originally, so I think that's pretty amazing. You have a breadth of context to provide all of our listeners, certainly in Canada. And it sounds like you've had a really amazing career as a correctional officer, of course, and your wife is also a nurse, so you're both working in government oriented jobs. Stable scenario. And somehow along the line, I'm really curious, where was the catalyst event? What transpired that all of a sudden said that you guys needed to start learning about new financial type of activities, has it always been a hobby of yours or is it something that just sort of, you were pushed down a path of like, what else could we be doing when it comes to our financial condition? [00:02:51] Speaker D: Yeah, I guess the starting point for that was, unfortunately, I think when my dad passed away in 2020, I saw how life insurance transformed the next kind of journey steps for my mom. And when I arrived back from Newfoundland, I began diving into finances. And I think I was on a Fisher investment thing. I have it right here. It's financial plan for your insurance or, sorry, asset locations, account types, CBD, OAS, income sources. And then the last piece of the pie was insurance. And that's when I found you guys online through an algorithm and getting a lot of financial advice through YouTube. And then I found you guys and then I started learning about whole life insurance. And I was like, you guys are the top educators on this. And not just insurance, but finances in general. And everything that's come with it has kind of transformed me and it's transformed me in my health, my financial iq and setting the stage up for my daughter in the future. Resting easier at night. Yeah, it's really coming together and it's. Yeah, it's really changed me. And not just all the books. The cash follows the leader. Keep your taxes away from your wealth, house, warehouse, wealth or slave. This big book which will change your life. [00:04:47] Speaker B: The whole library there, I haven't read. [00:04:49] Speaker D: It as much as Jason or Vernon or Sharpo, but more yourself, Richard. But I'm getting into the little snippets and highlighting things and there is a so much inspiration and imagination within the book. And then all the other books that Jason has shared with me jump polish what's in it for them. The two Dan Sullivan books. Everything is just broaching out for me. And so I had lots of little. When wins, I had things in motion. I say to anybody, take action on this for your family. It's a long term game. And I guess that's what it's always been for me, investing and investing yourself. This is the last piece of the pie, but it should have been the first piece of the pie. [00:05:51] Speaker C: Well, here. So, Scott, here's something that comes up for me. And I was expressing this in a earlier conversation that I was having with this large group of professionals that we were educating on this concept. And when we got to the end of the education, I said, there's a proverb. I'm not sure if you've heard this before, but it is to know and not to do is not to know. [00:06:23] Speaker D: Sorry. So, good. [00:06:26] Speaker C: And that I think what you've just expressed, just as a shining example of, you went on this journey of developing awareness and clarity and reading and watching and listening. And so you got to a place where you were in the know, and not only were you in the know, you took action. And because it's just, the knowledge is really meaningless if you don't do something with it. And so, credit to you for doing that. [00:06:59] Speaker D: Yes. Thank you, Jason. The mentorship, the education, the resources you have on your Senate financial website, the connections, the people I've met and what's pushed me into some opportunities that I wasn't able to pull the trigger on, but I know they're coming more often. So now I've just recently connected with trust, your talent with Tim. And that's another thing. Can't wait for another angry banking summit. [00:07:38] Speaker C: It's going to be awesome. [00:07:39] Speaker D: Yeah, there's lots of energy. You know, I was reading Nelson's book the other day, and it talks about the biggest problem or thing is educating people for you guys. So, I mean, kudos to you, and Nelson must be so proud of you, looking down from heaven and that you guys are doing all this and bringing this. There you go. Yeah. So, yeah, I was right there with you and. Hmm. Yeah. Great job every day. Really appreciative. [00:08:20] Speaker A: One thing I really appreciate about what you shared, Scott, like, what comes up for me, based on some of the things that you've indicated, is you're really describing, I think, for our listeners, what the infinite component of infinite banking is. And it's everything that's outside of the financial, actually, to a large degree. You talked about health, you talked about the way that you're thinking, the books that you're reading, the opportunities that are showing up, the connections that are being made, just the general feeling that you have the peace of mind, there's so many layers to what you just described. And I would say, my belief is that's a lot of what the infinite is that Nelson was talking about. He says, he would say that the reason, as soon as something is finite, you put limitations on it. The whole idea of infinite is that it's limitless. And the thing that is limitless is the bounds of our own brain and what it can conceive and it can comprehend. And that's really why he chose that as the inspiration for kind of the title of what he called this thing. So the way that you've expressed it, I think, is really important. And, Jason, you shared something from proverbs and page 71 in Nelson's book, he has right at the top of the page is from proverbs. It's a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children. I was on a session with the Nelson Ash Institute just the other day. We had a group of, of advisors all over North America, and this particular topic came up on this page. And I had an interesting context with it that I hadn't thought about either before. And so I actually highlighted it and put a date on my book, as I do when I think of something new. And you identified in your conversation, Scott, doing things for your daughter, for your family, how really, what stirred this a little bit was to some degree, the impact of your father passing and insurance in relation to that. So I would love to hear maybe what could you share with our listeners about just the value of the insurance in general and how that does create the peace of mind for you that you've kind of. Can you expand on that to some degree? [00:10:21] Speaker D: Yeah, I guess the insurance, when I first applied, Vernon did a great job explaining the process to me. And, you know, I'm diving into the benefits, and now I'm also diving into, I can use this while I'm still living for my family as well, and understanding how cash flow is really happening in our lives. I was like, this is amazing. The insurance, I was not in the perfect health when I did my insurance. So I would say it had that big effect on my health. It gave me a kick in the ass to be better and go to the future so I can plant that next tree. So I'd say that was a huge realization for me and just keep you working harder. Now. I've just recently started, uh, building my banking system. I just have the one policy, but, um, I really didn't need the money. But I'm practicing. I'm not a big spreadsheet guy, like cerebral, more tactile, like yourself. And I have my little book here. I keep track of everything, what I'm utilizing it for, how I'm paying that money back, and, um, how I'm going to make things better by other pinting tree or getting a better blood test for my type two diabetes, which is doing great. It's been decreasing, decreasing, increasing. And I'm hoping eventually the doctor's going to say, okay, go off the medication. [00:12:16] Speaker C: That's incredible. [00:12:19] Speaker A: It's awe inspiring, really, to hear that that's happening. [00:12:23] Speaker B: Scott is an incredibly humble guy because, Scott, if you don't mind, I mean, if you could share just a little bit about, like, what you've been able to accomplish since we've met. You gave me a few highlights, and you look like a completely different person. And I know there's been several major improvements since you first applied for your policies or your policy. [00:12:42] Speaker D: Yeah, I guess on the same journey there with Jason, with some weight loss that contributed to. I think I was near 200 and 6265, and now I'm down to 220 just on over here. Wow. [00:13:03] Speaker C: Yeah, we're in the same boat. [00:13:06] Speaker A: The people listening to this are clapping in their cars right now. [00:13:11] Speaker D: Yeah, of course I got my dog. I was much heavier five or six years ago. I was 290 and I got a dog. I learned all this stuff in regards to whole life. A lot of things came at me in the year, and reversing diabetes was not on the radar. It came about the same time. I was like, what, you can reverse diabetes, anti diabetes? I had no idea. So same principal, joined a group, got on zoom platform once a week. I got a dietitian who not how implementing all this, and you guys, dietitian coaching, mentorship doctors. Just incredible. Like, not totally overwhelming, but just narrowed down. The focus was, you know, my health first. Yeah. And then I got the wealthy and the giving. So I was trying to do something for my late father. Thinking about having a foundation or something was like, oh, my God, that's a lot of work. But people that do that for you, who knows? There you go. He's got. [00:14:31] Speaker C: Scott's got it. He's got it. Because that's where the brain goes. [00:14:37] Speaker D: Right. [00:14:37] Speaker C: How am I going to get this done versus who can help me get this done? [00:14:43] Speaker D: Yeah, so it's. My anxiety has really come down and, yeah, it's late into some team leadership, and I can do a little bit more. I can have more time with the family, and my daughter is really showing me a lot that I'm learning, and it's kind of like she already knows some of this stuff, but where's she getting that from? So, yeah, there's a lot of creativity, a lot of value. My daughter is showing me how much she can bring value to the world. And again, you guys had been doing that as well. How much value that you're bringing into people's lives by educating people on this process. You know, yes, it's a product, and. But it's a huge part of life. And anyone out there, if you haven't listened or to the podcast or the books, get on YouTube and read these books that I showed, they will change your thinking and change your life. [00:15:52] Speaker C: Love that and on the health, wealth and giving notes. So there were three categories that you just wanted to make special mention. And so please share with our viewers and listeners what you wanted to share regarding each one of those three categories. [00:16:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I think I wrote down there, just wanted to share the lifestylerx IO that is basically the platform I found. I did see it on tv a while back. I checked into it and they reach out to you, they send you for a blood test and they monitor you for three months and see where your ac one, a one c is that now and where it ends up in three month period. You'll meet with a group of people also trying to do that and they nutritionist or a dietitian will be on board. You can pay extra money to have a detailed plan for you, but basically for twelve weeks. And this is for anybody that wishes to lose weight. It doesn't necessarily have to be someone that has type two diabetes. They prefer you having type two diabetes because they're doing a study. That was a big change for me and until then I just thought I was on medication for a while and I was going to the doctor every three months. The biggest change has happened in the last year. [00:17:25] Speaker E: Become your own banker and take back control over your financial life. Hey, is this even possible? You may be asking, can I even do this? Well, you better believe it. In fact, it's easy to get going. So easy that we've put together a free report. Seven simple steps to becoming your own banker. Download it right now. Go to seven steps ca. That's seven steps ca. Now let's get back to the episode. [00:17:55] Speaker A: Unbelievable. [00:17:56] Speaker D: Wow. Wow. [00:18:00] Speaker C: That, you know, to see somebody go through that transition is, it's not only inspiring, but knowing now that you're sharing this openly and your, you know, other existing clients will see this people, you just never know who you're going to impact. Somebody's surfing around on YouTube and they come across this video. Maybe that's you that's watching right now. I'm living in your phone, but somebody who's, who's come across this, well, you just don't know who you're going to impact. Right. You might be the domino for somebody where they're like, hey, you know what? I've experienced some health challenges and I'm not in a place that I want to be from a health and fitness or giving or growing my wealth. And it was Scott that was the domino that tipped over. That's the remarkable advantage of YouTube and our podcast platform. And so it's, you know, thank you. Thank you for being open and just sharing your journey. You know, people need to know that transformation is possible. You can't escape the work necessary to achieve it, but it makes it all the more worthwhile when you look at it down the road, when you can turn around and go, look at all the progress I made. [00:19:32] Speaker D: Like, thats awesome. [00:19:34] Speaker C: Absolutely awesome. And think about your going to the infinite banking concept for a moment. So what would be one of the, I guess the key advantages that stood out for you, where you thought, okay, ive got clarity. I know that I want to do this. What was that one big advantage that jumped out at you? [00:19:59] Speaker D: Well, I would say was real estate. I've been studying real estate for a while. I've been trying to take some action onto it and been taking my time with it. Haven't found the right mentor with it. But now that's evolving and now as the policy is growing bigger and I see that cash flow daily, I was like, oh, yeah, I needed ten of these ten years ago. But the real estate aspect of how I can control some money, we just had a recent spike with the interest rate in Nelson's book. There he is again, right in the same kind of timeline. He went through that in the eighties. He solved that problem in the kneeling position at three or 04:00 in the morning. I was there with him, I think just a couple of years ago. So I think that was the biggest thing for me. I also saw I would help with some debts. My wife stopped working for a while, so I was able to gobble up some of her debts and she doesn't have to worry about making the payments. I can control that money and. Yeah, and just keep on going. If I can master spreadsheet like cyber and ronin. [00:21:34] Speaker B: I appreciate you throwing my name in the hat there with that. [00:21:38] Speaker A: And then the spreadsheet master over at Ascendant Financial, definitely he's in the, in the hierarchy of spreadsheet guys. Vern's way up there. [00:21:46] Speaker C: It's one, it's one way, it's one way to excel at Infinite bank. [00:21:56] Speaker A: Nobody tuning in realized that they were going to get slammed with dad jokes as they went through the episode. [00:22:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:02] Speaker A: Well, now, Vern, you've had an awesome experience connecting with Scott. I'd love to hear a little bit about what are some insights that come up for you in what you've recognized and seen in Scott's journey since you guys got connected. [00:22:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, first of all, I, you know, I don't have to say this, but clearly, you know, Scott's a super inspiring guy. Right. Every time I chat with him, every time he shares something with me, I'm totally blown away because he always has some sort of an update that you just didn't expect. Right. Particularly, like, like I said, when it comes to the health aspect of things, but just, just how coachable he is and how, you know, he's gone. I mean, what other things has he talked about? Just today, he's talked about Dan Sullivan. He's talked about Joe Polish. Like, you can see that he's just a sponge for information, but not just that. Like you shared earlier, Jason. He's actually putting things into action. And so I think that's super inspiring. And I'd have to say, you know, this is something that I've stolen directly from Jason and Richard. Everything that Scott's talking about here, none of this stuff shows up on an illustration. Right. None of this stuff has to do with banking. Right. It's just all the ripple effects that come from when you start implementing this process and you start to think and you start to rethink your thinking. So Scott's just a shining example of all of that. So. But what I'd say is just, you know, I love getting together with Scott. His enthusiasm, his passion. He's been to, I don't know, Scott, how many live events have you now attended? [00:23:33] Speaker D: I've been to one of Vancouver and one in Edmonton. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be that guy that hops on plan and go somewhere else, or preferably in Vancouver. But, yeah, I just can't wait to go to the next one and meet someone else and hear the messaging again. I think that's important. Important like, how many times I've read the book now, how many times I've listened to your stories on stage and, and, yeah, just keep how excited I was today to be able to speak to you guys. Speaking of Joe Polish again, yeah, your three big dominoes right here. So I've been able to attend Monday night mentoring with Jason. Super awesome. Anyone wanting to do that, inspiration. And, yeah, it just gives you that little kick down the road of 1% better. [00:24:36] Speaker B: So with that, rich, my favorite thing, you know, working with Scott is he, he embraces the concept, I think, at, like, the deepest level that you, I mean, just listen to his passion and everything that he's talking about here. It goes way beyond, you know, a policy or even the process. Becoming your own banker, he's. He's taken it on in terms of developing himself wholly. [00:24:57] Speaker A: Right. [00:24:57] Speaker B: Like Jason said, health, wealth, and giving. So uh, really, really great stuff. Uh, Scott, and I appreciate you. Happy to be working with you. [00:25:04] Speaker A: Id love to hear a little bit more, Scott, about attending family banking summits. And you came out to Edmonton, you came down to Vancouver. They were similar, but also very, very different. Just those two events alone. And not everyone who attended those events, because we did them in multiple cities all over the country, had a chance to maybe experience them the same. So each event was different. So im curious, maybe if you could just share with our listeners what was the experience of attending one of those events? Like, you know, what was something that you kind of took away from that experience and then also, what would you say was different about, say, the two different events that you went to? [00:25:44] Speaker D: I think the first event, too, I was already a policyholder then. I wanted to find other policyholders to network, and I wanted the message reinforced to me, or you guys are experts, so I want to be encompassed around you and sparking more. It just sparks more imagination. And each time I think I went to the second one of it, it was getting clearer. It's getting a clearer picture on the process and my own objectives and goals and what this policy could do for my family and or systemal policies could do with my family. Hearing from the people that are experts out of him. Have more than ten policies in place. I only got 76 more to go catch Jason. He's probably on 80 right now. The networking. I got a, a great relationship going with a client of her, one of Sarblo's clients, Theresa Dugan, has been so wonderful. She is so inspiring to me. She's 68 and she's still going at it, like, wanting to make money and secure her life and make life great for her kids. And so that's the person I was hoping to meet, an elf, you know, easy, lucrative, and fun. And so a lot of positive energy is in these summits and finding another hoop or another domino that connects with your objectives and your goals. And so, you know, I think the Edmonton event was even better because out of my own province, I made some connections there. I met some people that were at the Vancouver one, and then I got reacquainted with them there. I've had conversations with them and, yeah, it's my impact filter and how I filter out people in my life. Yeah, it's just been great. I'd say attending one of these events is one of the great things, the second best thing to read in this book. [00:28:28] Speaker C: And there will be many more. [00:28:31] Speaker D: I hope so. Yes. [00:28:33] Speaker C: And having thought leaders from within our client community who can continue to be a positive influence, because people, when they first start their journey with the concept, once they get exposed to the client community, it's affirmed for them like, hey, I'm not a Lone ranger. There are so many other people who have embraced this concept and it's all the conversations that happen during the breaks and during the lunch and the pre event and post event and people just hang around and they're having really impactful conversations and theres a lot of great ideas that get distributed among the client community and thats the whole reason why we want to bring people together. So that youre surrounding yourselves with like minded individuals who have fully embraced this and who just want and are seeking out a variety of different methods of how others have integrated this into their lives. And so there will be plenty more summits and we're excited about them. [00:29:39] Speaker A: Everything that you just identified, Scott, goes directly to page 65 of Nelson's book. Organize or join while already in existence a wealth club that meets periodically. Here you have the support of others that are working their way out of darkness. Be sure to include members that already have a good track record in practicing the principles of the infinite banking concept. This is important because you need to surround yourself with others of like minded understanding. You dont want to be a victim of feeling that you are the Lone ranger. We all need the nourishment of a favorable environment. No one elevates himself much above the environment in which they operate. And you just capsulated all of that in your description of attending these events, engaging in Monday night mentoring, probably reattended some webinars along the way, attended client coaching sessions that we do using the tools in the, you know, ascended membership site. Those are all like checkboxes of activity that is, that is epitomizing what Nelson's talking about on page 65 of the book. [00:30:43] Speaker C: Thousand percent. [00:30:45] Speaker D: Thousand percent. Yeah, I think I was just reading that the other day. The park may be on the same page. How do we think about how money is flowing and what the capitalist system really meant is private citizens contracting one another? Like, that has never happened in my life before and now that's happening in my life now. So it's very interesting. And because like we grew up, I grew up in a thing. You know, you went to school, you were taught to do everything on your own. If you asked for help, that was cheating. And you know, you were at the door by your 1617, get a job and you're on your own sort of thing. And I've learned more about finances and life circumstances and how to pivot and navigate through these things more in the last two years than I ever had. [00:31:50] Speaker C: That's incredible. And to any viewer listener who is at some point in their journey of discovery of this concept, what are some additional words of advice that you would share that might help them along that journey of learning? [00:32:11] Speaker D: Yeah, it takes the concept by this is taught, not thought. And me, I was, I caught it right away and was very passionate about it. And if you're skeptical about it, I guess just try to learn, learn more about it. Reading the books and having a mentor, having that other person, like, I have multiple people that are policyholders and that like real estate and started talking to them about it. And yeah, it's not a get rich quick scheme, it's just a banking process. Simply that. Then your imagination. [00:33:01] Speaker C: There you go. [00:33:02] Speaker D: Yeah, love that. [00:33:04] Speaker C: And what would you say about your experience, you know, in working with Fern and working with his teammates, you know, at ascendant, what, what would you, how would you describe that experience? [00:33:16] Speaker D: Well, basically I'm a team member. That's the way you build your company and your team. I feel more like an associate and then I work there sometimes. I've spent a lot of time YouTube and had great conversations with you guys all. I met Agatha, I met Jennifer. I would say, you know, it's just very positive experience and I'm very, I'm probably more happy about this than I am money in my TFSA or something. [00:33:57] Speaker C: Thank goodness. Thank goodness. [00:33:59] Speaker D: No doubt. [00:34:02] Speaker C: Well, that was great, guys. Any other thoughts or insights that you wanted to bring up? [00:34:10] Speaker B: Well, for me, I'm just thinking, like, Scott, it's actually been a little bit since we've connected. So I know when you first got the ball rolling, we, we connected a whole lot and I'm glad we got a chance to connect today. So I'll definitely reach out and we should, we should maybe do a catch up and just get connected, see where you're at with things. And I would love to hear, Scott, if you had a specific, you know, thing as it relates to implementing the process. Like, do you have a specific, you kind of shared some things earlier about, you know, your personal situation, your wife and things like that. Like, is there one thing that you could isolate that you would say is your biggest win, specifically as it relates to implementing the process? [00:34:48] Speaker D: You know, biggest win? It's created a lot of interest and people want to find out more about it, like within my family unit. So it's actually drawn my family into more financial discussions and how we include each other in not so much financial decisions, but opportunities. You know, the process of that book and Joe Polish's 25K membership is basically almost like developing within my family now. It was like, how about that? There's a two K group and that will turn into a five K group and so on and so on. And that's the power of the policy as well because everything is growing. Whole life is your whole life. It's impacted my relationships with my family, my friends, anybody that's had the inclination to. Let's take a second look at this or I'm listening. And how, you know, does this benefit the whole. And the people that see that? They're very happy on this. I guess we connect things as we want to see instant gratification and we want to see some, something happen. Pick up that monopoly card. Oh, get $100 from the bank. It's not that, but it can be that in the future and it will be on a daily basis. Just one policy grows. I mean, eight dollar, twelve a day, that's pretty good. And I know Richard has shared, know where he's at in his policies and, you know, they're growing at $150 a day or whatever. And this is control this. It's amazing. [00:37:04] Speaker C: Oh, love that. [00:37:06] Speaker A: That was really well put, Scott. And I'm glad that you've done something really unique here on our program today. And that is you've highlighted and identified not only what, what most matters and it's important to you and was really connected with you in your journey, but you've tied that all into things that, um, virtually have very little, if almost nothing to do with life insurance. It's all, but it is all around your life. It's all the life that is now much more assured based on the things that you're doing. The activities that you're taking are what we would refer to as off the page. And I think that's an important takeaway for our listeners to recognize. You've done everyone a great service today by sharing the expansiveness by which Nelson's message and his book and his teaching has created value for you in multiple areas of life that many would, I think, would agree. Listening in are vastly more important and more valuable than what might be on the page. So again, I think you've done an amazing job of helping really, truly separate what Jason and I. We often have reaction videos and other things around the product versus the process and all of these ancillary benefits that are created that vastly outweigh. So I'm very, very happy and overwhelmed to hear the way that you've captulated that in your own life for our listeners. So I just want to thank you and appreciate that greatly. And, you know, one of the things, as you know, we like to do here, Scott, before we, uh, have a chance to let everyone know what's coming up with the next video, is we want to find out a little bit more about who it is that you would most want to be a hero to. [00:38:55] Speaker D: Who do I want to be a hero to? Well, um, I would say my little girl most definitely. And this is my why I always show burn on the picture or she's much bigger now she's ten. But that's the picture that I got on my desk whenever I'm in this office and I could be talking to you, she's right there. And yeah, she, she is who I want to be a hero to my family and I want to be a hero to you guys because you've created a great stewardship there with many client that you have and the education material have on your website all the things that we mentioned, the summits and everything. I mean, you got stewards walking around. I don't spend a lot of time trying to sell this to anybody or anything, but I do hand the book off to a lot of people. And some people say it doesn't sound like it's for me. And other people are more curious, so. And hopefully those are the people talking to burn. [00:40:01] Speaker C: So does Vern. Well, Scott, hey, listen, it was a pleasure. And again, thank you for being generous with your time and for being open to sharing. We have viewers and listeners from across North America and so it's, you know, we've taken out the giant eraser on the border to say, look, the concept doesnt recognize any borders. Its applicable to everyone in North America. And so youll be helping not only Canadians, but Americans as well, and influencing them in a positive direction. So thank you for doing that. Your impact is going to be big. And to all of our viewers and listeners, you will see on the viewing side a video thats just popped up for you. Its a recommended video and we recommend that you watch it because we want you to continue your journey of learning. And for those who have tuned in, thank you for tuning in and for investing in yourself, as Scott so eloquently mentioned, how important it is to do that, not only from a wealth standpoint, but from a health and giving standpoint. So, gentlemen, this was fun. Make the rest of your week outstanding. [00:41:15] Speaker D: Absolutely. Thank you, guys. Much appreciated. Happy to have you. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Thanks for listening to the wealth without Bay street podcast where your wealth matters. Be sure to check out our social media channels for more great content. Hit subscribe on your favorite podcast player and be sure to rate the show we definitely appreciate. And don't forget to share this episode with someone you care about. Join us on the next episode where we continue to uncover the financial tools, strategies, and the mindsets that maximize your wealth.

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