Wealth Without Bay Street EPISODE #139: Join us for today’s episode of Wealth Without Baystreet with Jayson and Richard to learn about how to use the infinite banking concept to ensure the lives of key people in your life.
0:00 Introduction
2:53 Insure The Co-Founder in Your Family and Business
4:46 Take a Look at the Example
8:11 Is The Policy Exempt From Tax?
11:15 Growing Cash Value
14:08 Years Five to Six
18:26 What Happens if the Life Insured Dies
22:24 Money Had to Reside Somewhere
25:06 An Example in Real Estate
28:34 Protect Yourselves
Wealth Without Bay Street EPISODE 114: Featuring on today’s episode of Wealth Without Baystreet is Elizabeth Kelly, an experienced real estate investor for more...
Wealth Without Bay Street 178: Cash Follows The Leader – Finding The Money To Start IBC You might be wondering, “How on earth can...
Back on the Wealth Without Bay Street’s Advisor series, Liz Lamond is an advisor with Ascendant Financial. She discovered IBC after investing in real...