Wealth Without Bay Street EPISODE 112: Featuring on today’s episode of Wealth Without Baystreet is Harper Jones, an advocate for the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) and a wealth strategist at CreateTailwind. Create Tailwind coach people how to Become Their Own Banker by taking control of the flow of their money. Harper uses his IBC system to invest in real estate and businesses and helps other people interested in the same approach.
0:00 Introduction
2:35 Harper’s Journey With IBC and Real Estate
8:09 Helping Educate Others
11:37 Using IBC to Invest in Real Estate
14:39 A Real Life Example
20:19 Reap the Benefits of What You Sow
24:48 You Can Always Capitalize The System More
26:12 Harper’s Guidance For New Comers
29:09 Who Would Martin Want To Be a Hero To
Website: https://createtailwind.com/
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harperajones
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