54. Stage 4 Cancer Survivor To Infinite Banker – Stephen Wenzel -Client Series

March 16, 2021 00:36:19
54. Stage 4 Cancer Survivor To Infinite Banker – Stephen Wenzel -Client Series
Wealth On Main Street
54. Stage 4 Cancer Survivor To Infinite Banker – Stephen Wenzel -Client Series

Mar 16 2021 | 00:36:19


Hosted By

Richard Canfield Jayson Lowe

Show Notes


Stephen Wenzel is a world traveller, music director and yoga teacher, real estate investor, and 2-time Survivor of Stage 4B cancer. He had long been looking for a way to escape the banking system, which is how he ultimately found The Infinite Banking Concept in 2019. Since then, he has opened two policies for his IBC System. He has paid off multiple debts using IBC, including a rental property mortgage, invested in other asset classes (precious metals, paper assets), and listened to EVERY SINGLE Wealth Without Bay Street episode to date. In this episode, Stephen discusses the importance of consistently saving and investing money every month and how anyone can get ahead in the game of money by starting with a solid foundation of financial education and mindset. He’s also a living example of the importance of having an emergency fund in place for unexpected events – like two bouts with Stage 4B cancer. Anyone can learn from Stephen’s powerful story to ensure you have protection, a plan, and a way to see your money continue to grow regardless of what life throws at you.


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