Wealth Without Bay Street EPISODE 119: This episode of Wealth Without Baystreet features Bruce Wehner and Rachel Marshall. Bruce Wehner is the lead advisor of The Money Advantage, where he designs and communicates the individualized solutions that help their clients increase cash flow and financial control. He is a Nelson Nash Institute Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner who has been practicing Infinite Banking since his parents started his first policy when he was a young child.
Rachel Marshall is the Co-Founder, Chief Financial Educator, and Content Strategist of The Money Advantage. She’s currently writing a book about her near-death experience and how it became the springboard for her family’s multi-generational legacy of more than money.
Bruce and Rachel are the co-hosts of The Money Advantage podcast, the popular business and personal finance show.
0:00 Introduction
1:38 The Money Advantage – How It All Started
7:00 Grasping A Firm Understanding
11:59 Finding The Right Audience
15:05 Bruce’s Journey With IBC
22:02 Rachel’s Journey With IBC
25:31 Reading And Other Learning Mediums
30:08 How The Message Gains Traction
33:50 Always Get Back To The Fundamentals
43:50 Dealing With Negative Comments
52:05 Rachel’s Near-Death Experience
Website: https://themoneyadvantage.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/themoneyadvantage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMoneyAdvantage
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Money_Advantage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themoneyadvantage/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheMoneyAdvantage
Rachel Marshall:https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelmmarshall/
Bruce Wehner: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-wehner-5619b5a
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